Teacher | Writer | Traveler


View Phyllis's travelogue and photos from her cultural tour of Turkey. Click HERE.

phyllis pilgrim linda carroll ann ladd

The good people at “Fun & Fit”
have profiled me on their website.
HERE to read.

And click
HERE to listen to my interview,
“Yoga Set Me Free” on Women's Radio.

phyllis pilgrim linda carroll ann ladd

I was honored to deliver the
Literacy Project's annual luncheon address.
Click the arrow below to listen.


Phyllis Pilgrim: Teaching

Rancho La Puerta


Phyllis Pilgrim: Travels

Cultural Tours


Phyllis: The Hidden Passport

The Hidden Passport

Phyllis Pilgrim

phyllis pilgrim
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Phyllis Pilgrim leads cultural tours to the nether regions of the world, with a spiritual component to each adventure. Phyllis is a long-time instructor at Rancho La Puerta in Baja California, where she specializes in meditation and yoga.

She is the author of The Hidden Passport, which tells of her young life in Japanese concentration camps in Java in World War II. The book was a finalist in the 2009 Annual San Diego Book Awards.
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