Teacher | Writer | Traveler

About Phyllis

butterfly phyllis pilgrim
Phyllis Pilgrim was born in Tampico, Mexico of an American mother and a Scottish father who worked for the Shell Oil Company. Later transferred to Borneo and Java, they were captured by the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

Five-year-old Phyllis, her mother, and younger brother were interned in civilian internment camps for 31/2 years until 1945. The family survived, returned to England where Phyllis started her education, and gained a degree in Geography from London University.

She taught Geography in high schools in London and Barbados for 24 years. She married a Barbadian in London and has a son, Owen, from that marriage.

Phyllis left Barbados in 1981 to work as a yoga teacher at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico, where she still teaches and directs the "
Specialty and Spirit Week" Programs. She lives in San Diego.
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Phyllis meditating by the Ganges River in the Himalayas, near Rishikesh
phyllis pilgrim cultural tours
Phyllis on a bike trip through Burgundy, May 2006
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