Teacher | Writer | Traveler

Rancho La Puerta: Spirit Weeks

Phyllis works year round at Rancho La Puerta teaching yoga, T'ai Chi, and stretch. She leads meditation in a class called “Inner Journey,” which she founded in 1987. She also leads meditation hikes, gives talks on health, and orients guests to the weekly programs.

Phyllis has studied with BKS Iyengar and attended teachings from H.H. the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hahn, and Shinzen Young, among others. She has worked at the Ranch for 32 years, including 18 years as Fitness Director, and 28 years as Specialty Week coordinator. She started the Inner Journey, a Course in Meditation at the Ranch in 1987 with Deborah Szekely’s encouragement. She organized 20 in-depth “Healing the Spirit” Weeks for Ranch guests, collaborating with Specialty presenters from 2002-2005.

Phyllis is the author of
The Hidden Passport about her childhood experiences in a Japanese Internment Camp for European civilians in Java during WW2.
Click HERE to see Phyllis’s upcoming schedule at Rancho La Puerta

Yoga and Everyday Mindfulness

Phyllis Pilgrim and Elana Rosenbaum
Week of December 22 - 28, 2018

Yoga Fundamentals
S, M, Tu, W, Th & F
10:00 am, 45 min
with Phyllis Pilgrim

Mindful Meditations
S, M, Tu, W, Th & F
4:00 pm, 50 min
with Elana Rosenbaum and Phyllis Pilgrim

Click HERE for more information.

All Spirit weeks are coordinated by Ranch yoga instructor Phyllis Pilgrim and this week is shared in collaboration with long term meditator and teacher Elana Rosenbaum. All classes are dedicated to inspiring your mind, body and spirit toward a greater understanding and practice of spiritual disciplines and learning how to weave them into your daily life.

Elana Rosenbaum LICSW, Certified Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Teacher, psychotherapist and speaker has been a senior instructor at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at the University of Massachusetts for many years, being among the first teachers in Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the Center. She has trained many healthcare professionals and physicians in this program and has been teaching mindfulness-meditation workshops and retreats for cancer patients, caregivers and survivors. She herself is a cancer survivor. Participants in the Ranch’s Healing the Spirit Program will benefit from Elana’s extensive training, experience and professional work as a mindfulness-based psychotherapist counseling people in all walks of life over the past 35 years. Elana is the author of “Being Well (even when you’re sick)” and “Here for Now: Living Well with Cancer through Mindfulness.”

On the web: elanarosenbaum.com

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